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cute (kju:t) - adj. 1. appealing or attractive, especially in a pretty way. (World English Dictionary)

Our evolving definition:

cute (kju:t) - adj. 1. feeling good about oneself, especially on days when you have makeup on, and jewelry; 2. an idea in a variety of mediums (crafts, food, clothing, etc) that inspires and motivates duplication; 3. one of the ultimate compliments among women

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Embroidery Hoop Egg.

My friend I mentioned before also posted a picture of a table that she re-did and mentioned some eggs that she had made with embroidery hoops.  I think she just took some strips of fabric and ribbon, layered it, and then pinned it back.  I think it looks really cute! My problem is that I never have random scraps of fabric that are laying around, especially not "cutesy" fabric.  The printable was a part of the last post too, and I can't find where the post is to get that printable, but it's from the blog eighteen25.